Why You Should Consider Failing a Course than Being Caught for Examination Malpractice


Olaoye Abdulrasheed writes,

Malpractice, according to Merriam Webster dictionary, refers to an injurious, negligent or improper practice while examination malpractice means intentional wrongdoings which are contrary to the set of examination rules and regulations. Examination malpractice, cheating, stealing, prostitution, bribery, corruption and cultism are the materials of immorality that cause numerous social problems to a nation. Although our wish during examinations is to succeed, no one wills to fail and we always pray failure shouldn't come our way but failing courses typically at times maybe something else, and it's on a strong note that it's quite better than to be caught in an examination cheating.
A good student must always be an abider of the institution's provided regulations as such regulations and rules are what the institution values and to be practised by a student. Examination malpractice; cheating, giraffing and so on are violated laws of an educational institution in which any student who commits any of them will automatically engage him/herself with problems. However, failing a course is much more valued and better than being caught violating the examination rules as this prevents one's name from a bad reputation and makes one live morally, and just as a saying goes, "morality is the key to happiness".
A student should be truthful and honest no matter what the situation might be during the examination, and in effect, such students shouldn't associate themselves with any activity that can damage his/her reputation. An action like examination malpractice only will lead one to damage one's happiness simply because it's an act of morality. Having underserved good grades is meaningless as it's through one's efforts but they are one coming through an illegal act which is examination malpractice. No way for any student who was caught from any form of examination malpractice to go scot-free without undergoing his/her appropriate deserved punishments.
Indeed, failing a course is not taboo, it rather makes you wiser and more experienced. Even when negative situations come one's way during an exam, the best thing is to recall that no problem in life is worth tarnishing one's image and if one doesn't get it in a particular exam, it doesn't mean it's gone forever. Failing an exam is not the end but it's a sign for one to tighten one's belt and do more. The real failure and the absolute end is when you cheat yourself spiritually and make fake progress physically. The one who promotes from one level to another in his academic affairs illegally, he is the one who is cheating himself and making fatal progress through examination malpractice.
At times, coming late is better than coming earlier without any crucial value. The progress of life always comes with challenges. When you encounter carryovers, don't overwhelm yourself with sadness even when you have been resisting a course many times. And as such, find the source of the problem and make a good solution to it. Examination malpractice is not the solution to failure but trying to make more struggles to defeat the problem is the real deal. Mind you, do not repeat the idea that makes you have carryover because negligence is to keep a thing the same way over a number of times and then expect different results.
Avoid carryover by your actions toward reading. Read as if passing the course is a heaven's certificate and then accompany it with prayers. Know the difference between what you caused by yourself and your destination, and in whichever angle you see the question when you sit exams, you should not associate yourself with examination malpractice. Be reminded that when you have no idea about any questions at all, carryover is however the better way to resort to than to be caught cheating.

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