Nigeria as the Giant of Africa


Jimoh Hussain Kehinde writes,

Lying vastly across the western coast of Africa is a giant in slumber whose name is Nigeria. In terms of landmass and population, Nigeria enjoys wide regard as the giant of Africa. Although blessed with multivarious minerals that promise riches; gold, crude oil and other resources, this giant of Africa has even more enormous problems.

Nigeria, a former British colony, is the seventh most populated country in the world with a chain of constitutions adopted through its independence; the 1914 amalgamation constitution of Lord Lugard, Sir Hugh Clifford’s constitution of 1922, Sir Arthur Richard’s constitution of 1946, Sir John Macpherson‘s constitution of 1951 and Sir Oliver Lyttleton’s constitution of 1954.

A series of post-colonial constitutions such as the Independent constitution of 1960, the Republican constitution of 1963, 1979 constitution and 1999 constitution (as amended) bedeck Nigeria’s history beyond the escape from the shackles of colonialism and embracing self-government.

Post-independence, the military perceived loopholes in the Nigerian system of ruling. These economic, political, socio-cultural and electoral lapses spurred the military intervention of 15th January 1966. And as they had promised, many changes took place, and rights went on holiday, away from Nigeria.

Eventually, power found its way back to the civilians, only for Nigeria to dive into the ocean of corruption. Our so-called leaders embezzle and mismanage public funds in the name of delivering the mandate.

Funnily enough, more than 75% of the population of our sovereign state dwell in poverty. The haves gets richer while the have-nots descend further into the wells of penury. An average citizen of the Giant of Africa can hardly afford three square meals a day or even give his children qualitative education.

Bribery has become the norm, and kidnapping has become a profession in Nigeria, no thanks to the lack of security. One can only wonder how much of a giant Nigeria is when the development recorded by its equals dwarfs its own.

What’s the essence of being a giant if one’s strides do not lead to development‽
Jimoh Hussain Kehinde is a 200-Level student of Public Administration.

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