Muhammad Adeyemi reports.

The Students' Union of  Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto has on Thursday 24th January, 2019 organized a programme tagged "Career guidance about JAMB, WAEC, and NECO"  for S.S. 3 students of some selected schools in the Sokoto. 

The program which took place at PTF hall, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, featured the presence of the Deputy Dean, Student Affairs,Dr.Muritala Gada, Mallam Mansur Issa Buhari of department of Modern European Language and Linguistics as the keynote speaker, Students' Union executives, Teachers of the invited Secondary schools and other dignitaries were also present at the event.

The host of the event, Comrade Aliyu Akilu while responding to our reporter expressed his optimism that, the program will undoubtedly guide the students who attended on how to choose their careers, he noted that " Ten secondary schools were invited but unfortunately, only five of them showed up" he said

The names of the secondary schools include; Usmanu Danfodiyo University model secondary School Sokoto, Nakowa International school Rumjin Sambo, Federal Government College(FGC) Sokoto, Government Day Secondary School Gidan Igwai Sokoto, Sokoto Science College .

Mallam Mansur Issa Buhari while responding to the questions asked by the students, urged them not  to insist on studying professional courses rather they should focus on the course that they are very good at while they are in secondary school.

He noted that, no course of study is useless and every course of study has numerous employment opportunities waiting to be tapped

The Secretary General of the Students' Union, Comrade Ahmad Ma'aruf Maibasira while speaking with our correspondent, explained that the purpose of organizing the program, is to guide the final year students of secondary schools, on how to choose their choice of careers painstakingly in their upcoming secondary school external examination, he said:
"what we are trying to inculcate in these students is the mistakes that many of secondary schools do make annually while choosing their career with regards to registering for WAEC, NECO and UTME".

He also replied  to the allegation that the Students' Union didn't make official publication of the event, he said "actually, the programme is for the secondary school students in which their school authorities have been duly notified though there's no any official press release from the Students' Union to the University students".

The programme also included with Question and Answer session,  where  all students asked their itching questions and were answered by the guest speaker Mal. Mansur Isah Buhari.

 The Students' Union President , Comrade Ibrahim Shehu Kalgo while delivering the closing remarks encouraged the students to remain focus on their course of interest, he said that, he wrote UTME five times before he gained admission into Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto in the year 2015.

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