UDUS Management Issues Warnings to Danfodites at Meeting with Student Leaders


Hayatullahi Mudathir (Abu Lubabah) and Shehu Muhammad Shehu report,

The Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto management met with the Students' Union Caretaker Committee, campus journalists and other student leaders to address crucial issues emerging around the school community. 

Prof Umar Aliyu, the Dean of Students' Affairs, presided over the meeting, which took place at the Senate Building, Ahmadu Bello House, VC Complex, on November 16. The Chief Security Officer, Rtd Col Abdullahi Gwandu, and his Deputy were also present at the meeting.

The management opened the meeting by reminding the student leaders of their responsibility to relay the discussions at the meeting to the university community. 

Being the most vital point of discussion, the assembly discussed the insecurity challenges that have been bedeviling the varsity of late. They also broached theft, drug abuse and immorality, amongst other issues.

During his speech at the meeting, the Chief Security Officer recounted a phone theft in a room at the FBI female hostel before directing the student representatives to advise their colleagues to be conscious.

“Securing your personal properties like phones and ID cards, and carrying about belongings is your responsibility. We know it is difficult, but find a way of protecting your personal items,” he urged.

Further, he divulged that the management provides a form to students who rent private hostels on campus, imploring student leaders to inform their colleagues inhabiting private hostels to obtain this form from their landlords. The CSO maintained that the form will validate students' occupancy and forestall issues of criminality and immorality in the university environment.

“Students in those private hostels should pick and fill the form and submit it to the Dean of Studentsʼ Affairs. 

“The management is working day and night to ensure more hostels are built and more security personnel are employed. Bakassi hostel has been fenced, and the university will look forward to deploying security officers there,” he assured. 

The Studentsʼ Affairs boss also called out students involved in immorality and drugs around the private hostels. He made emphatic references to Sharma Village, adding that it is on his watchlist for its notoriety.

“When a student fails to abide by the school rules, then the school won't bother about such a student when they fall victim to any unwanted incident. Otherwise, the university will go to all lengths to handle it. 

“We are not here to regiment your lives, but to see that you are protected,” he clarified. 

The Dean also spoke about the current situation of the hostel generators. He suggested that generators running every evening will not be possible due to the spike in the cost of diesel and, likewise, financial constraints on the part of the university.

He lamented that the 'University is broke', but assured that the generators would remain steady power alternatives if things bounce back. 

“Any form of unrest by the students would not be tolerated by the management,” he cautioned. 

The Dean hammered the prohibition of electric cookers in the school halls of residence. He maintained that the high cost of kerosene does not legalise using electric cooker as against the hostel rules. 

“It is better for you to buy your charcoal and cook than using electric cookers. The rule of not using electric cookers is still intact, and we will have to start going round,” he cautioned.

He also restated that since the hostel fence is nearing its completion stage, students should know that the time for 'Morocco' remains 6 pm to 10 pm. He warned that anyone they would withdraw anyone they find around the female hostels after 10 pm from the environment as an offender. 

“They will have their vehicles seized, in case of the outsiders,” he explained. 

He also acknowledged the effort of UDUS campus journalists for providing round-the-clock and reliable information and for being the voice of voiceless Danfodites. He also besought them to train and caution their recruits and students operating personal blogs. 

In his words, “They should always  publish and share only verified information”.

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