The Power of Appreciation

Abdulrasheed Abdulkareem Akere writes,

Grateful souls are identified with the act of showing humbleness, worthy and honorable regards to people who do goodness to them.

Some people are exact opposite of the grateful ones, they are called 'ingrates', so, do not be discouraged by this second category of people. Continue doing your goodness and let them learn this good act from you; you shall later become their mentor and source of good reference.

The act of doing good is what you need to build yourself on, and have it in mind that it's the best character you should be known with because it is earthly and heavenly rewardable.

There are two categories of appreciation, namely; appreciation to the creator and showing appreciation to fellow human being.

Either you believe or not, it's God's blessing and grace that keeps you alive from birth till present, then, you need to always appreciate Him for His mercy over your living.

The pathway to follow in order to be grateful to God is, by obeying His rules and laws, giving alms to the needy, worshipping Him consistently and doing good to your neighbors and other beings.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) said that Allah will reward everyone for each of their good deed, the reward will serve as an appreciation from Him.

As a fidelity believer, why can't you imitate Allah by always being grateful to your helpers because once appreciation calls for more goodness deeds. Anyone you appreciate for his deed will be encouraged to do more, likewise Allah promises.

In fact, appreciation makes the good doers know that they are not l fools, but the righteous and wise beings.

Ignorance makes some people to always appreciate only their elderly ones and disregard the little children deeds, this is wrong; let's know that there are differences between respect and appreciation.

Contrarily, when this little children do something and you appreciate them, they consider it as good things and continue doing it even in your absence. If you frown at their deeds and you do not appreciate them, they MAY regard it as a bad and not encouraging acts; they stay away from it.

Dear parents of this century, you are the glasses to your children, they are watching you day and night and ready to emulate all your behaviors because they think you can't make mistake. So, take notes of what to do in their presence, teach them to always do good and appreciate others good works done by people.

Perhaps, you confront a lot of challenges, but you are still alive, if you don't win today, you can win tomorrow. That opportunity you have to withstand the scenario requires you to give thanks to God for His mercy over you.

In any position you find yourself, be grateful over it because some people are praying to be there also, but they are not privileged.

Despite the tough path you've been through, you are still alive while some are dead, you are healthy while some are sick, you are wealthy while some remain beggars, you are mentally alright while some turned lunatic, you are physically okay while some are physically challenged, you have freedom while some people remain inmate.

Be grateful to God so that He can increase you in everything good.

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