Sequel to the rumour being spread on social media about the release of an amended 2018/19 academic calendar, the chairman,  Academic Planning Unit, Prof. Sanusi Hassan Wara has debunked the "leaked-fake-academic-calendar" as baseless and unofficial.

The Director who jettisoned the circulated calendar told our reporter, that the one on social media is unofficial and noted that the correct one will soon be pasted, he said,

"Forget about the social media,  let the University do their own. Even yesterday before we considered the academic calendar, the fake one was on social media. We've just given it to the Registrar and the Registar will make the necessary corrections and announcement."

He pointed out that there's indication that after the Senate considered the calendar, some posted it to their friends while it's yet to be approved. In his words:

"Maybe after the Senate considered it, some posted it to their brothers and they started posting it any how, but it has some mistakes and corrections will be made and afterward, it will be announced from the office of registration and Co."

The secretary to the Director also informed, that the University senate are still working on the calendar and when it's ready it will be aired on the University's official website and notice boards,

"We are still working on that calendar, you need to exercise patience."

"The calendar is not yet ready. Maybe after the Senate meeting, some heard it and began posting it to their wards and so on." He added.

He finally advised the students to keep checking the school's website as the calendar will be released sooner rather than later.

While confirming the source of the Calendar, our reporter gathered that the Calendar has not been found on any notice boards on campus nor in the school's official portal.

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