UDUS Students Mourn Death of Lecturer

Mudathir Hayatullahi (Abu Lubabah) writes,

On the 7th day of January 2022, Professor Nasir Muhammad was confirmed dead after suffering a brief illness. 

Until his death, he was a lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. 

The death of Prof. Nasir Muhammad sent across sadness and wailings among the students of the Faculty of Agriculture, and UDUS entirely as they all grieve and mourn the deceased, recounting the memorable moments they had with him during his lifetime.

Sani Saidu Umar who is popularly known as Retoo, a 500-Level student from the Department of Animal Science and also class representative, said that Prof. Nasiru Muhammad was a guardian, noting that he was so much like a father to him. 

"Professor Nasir Muhammad was a very hard working lecturer and so his students must work hard. He never failed to come for his lectures except for some unforeseen circumstances. 

"He made sure we all understood his lectures before he moved to the next step. He was a man of integrity and very transparent," he described. 

Saidu said that he was studying at home at midnight when he got a call from his friend, Abdulrahman Aminu (around 12:30 a.m), telling him that Professor Nasir Muhammad had passed away.

"I was very shocked, I couldn't even have the guts to finish the paragraph I was in," he said, sadly. 

Saidu said that he noticed Prof. wasn't feeling healthy during his last four lectures before he was admitted to the hospital.

"It was cold during those previous lectures, but Professor Nasir Muhammad was drinking lots of water frequently, and was sweating a bit. I knew he wasn't feeling that well but I didn't know that it reached the extent that he'd be laying down on a hospital bed till he met his death.

“I'm not sure what the sickness was, but I heard it was diabetes and hypertension, " Saidu revealed. 

Saidu continued that Prof. Nasir related with students in a parenting way. He added that he could be very strict on students sometimes, but he was actually a very softhearted person. 

"He is a person that any student can actually meet directly without fear and ask him a question or ask him for advice," he added. 

When asked about the memorable moments Saidu had with Prof. Nasir Muhammad, he stated that the first time he knew Prof Nasir Muhammad was when he was in 200-Level, then he was a Doctor. 

"He taught us Principles of Animal Production ANI 202. I really loved his lectures because he made sure everyone understood. Then again we met in my 400-Level when he was teaching us Ration Formulation. That was when I really got familiar with him. I can't forget all the lectures we had with him and most especially our practicals, visitation to Kara market and feed mill. Those times were very memorable. And lastly, when I was given Animal Science as an area of specialization (in 500 level), I was appointed as a class rep (Animal Science Dept.) which made me understand him more.

Saidu lastly prayed that  Allah forgive Prof. Nasir shortcomings and make Jannatul Firdaus his Final Abode.

Nasirudeen Oluwasegun Akanbi, a 300-Level student from the Faculty of Agriculture said that Professor Nasir Muhammad was a good teacher to him. He added that the lecturer taught them in a way that even if a dullard was in his class, he/she would still grab the lesson. 

"He was a good man and hardworking professor, and he was one of our best Professors from the Animal Science Department," he said 

Nasirudeen added that the deceased during his life loved his students and took them as his biological children. 

He said that he was shocked on Friday when he heard about his death. 

"We were told he was sick and we gradually prayed for his good health," he said. 

When asked about the memorable moments he had with Prof. Nasir Muhammad, Nasirudeen said that the things he couldn't forget about him were how he taught them a course in 200 level, (Ani 204). 

"The way he said 'it's grafinose arabinose glucose', ha Subhuanallahi!" he exclaimed. 

Nasirudeen, however, confessed that he and his fellow students were very sad and prayed for him that Allah grant him jannatul firdous. 

"I want people at this moment to help us pray for him and his relatives that he left," he urged.

Adesokan Kafeelat Taiwo, a 200-Level student of Fisheries said that she was heartbroken, depressed, sad and felt that an important icon has gone. She added that she had recovered a bit from the shock, as of the time of filing this report. 

She said that Prof. Nasir Muhammad was her lecturer, mentor, role model and one of the best men known to her.

"He was a very kind, considerate, understandable, free giver and selfless. He was someone who did his best for everyone around him," she said.

She grievously explained that Prof. Nasir was sick, but took his pain to the class to teach them in his last class before his condition deteriorated after which the news of his death surfaced.

Kafeelat said that her memorable moment with Prof. Nasir was his method of teaching, which was second to none. She said he always wished his students the best and gave his advice to any student that visited him.

"He made Biochemistry more simple to me than people were saying it," she said.

She expressed that the whole Faculty of Agriculture will definitely feel his loss. 

"May Almighty Allah forgive his shortcomings, save him from the torment of the grave, illuminate his soul, console his family and grant him the highest rank in Jannah," Kafeelat Prayed.

Orelope Habeeb, a 400-Level student from the Forestry Department also mourned the deceased. He said that he was the lecturer who taught him 'ANI202' and 'ANI204', Ruminant Animals and Animal Biochemistry respectively.

"He was humble, very good at his courses and punctual, coupled with diligence," he described. 

Habeeb also said that his memorable experience with the deceased was when he was at 200-Level when the friendly lecturer related well with his students. 

"Back in our 200-Level days, when he said he wanted to use 75% attendance as his test, he later pitied the ones with lower attendance," he explained.

Umar Abdullahi Sokoto, a 300-Level student of Agriculture also said that the deceased was his very good lecturer, one who did not want any of his students to fail. 

"I called him a man with a golden heart," he said.

Hamid Zainab Abiodun, a 200-Level student from the Faculty of Agriculture also described Prof. Nasir Muhammad as one of her best and hardworking lecturers. 

She also talked about how the deceased used to explain and expatiate topics he taught in the classes. 

"How I wish he would make it back to life and come to class to lecture us again. I feel sad, cried, and depressed because I don't think I can find someone like him who can take the course like him any longer taking t," she expressed.

Ibrahim Isa Omame, a 400-Level student from the Forestry Department also mourned Prof. Nasir. He confessed that he used to think of his children having him as the best father and his wife, being the happiest person to have him as a husband, because of the beautiful life he lived.

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