PEN HISTORY with Ayoade Zariat Yetunde: January 1st in History


January 1st is the 1st day of the year, often called the New year, 364 days remaining untill the end of the year.
January 1st 1942, United Nations was Established. Representatives of 26 countries came together and signed a declaration that established the existence of the "United Nations" (the UN). President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were among the leaders that were there.
One of the intentions of establishing the UN was to be able to enforce peacekeeping strategies. This particular meeting took place approximately in the middle of the timeline during which World War II took place.
January 1st 1962, the Beatles go for an audition with Decca Records and are turned down in favor of the Tremeloes.
January 1st 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was made by Abraham Lincoln. It freed allConfederate slaves, and had followed from the statements he made after 1862's Battle of Antietam.
January 1st 1892, Ellis Island located in Upper New York Bay, and it started as Immigration gateway into the United States replacing Castle Garden Immigration Depot in lower Manhattan which had processed over 8 million immigrants into the country. It operated in this role for more than 50 years closing in 1954 having processed more than 12 million immigrants into the United States. Over 100 million Americans - one third of the population - can trace their ancestry to the immigrants who first arrived in America at Ellis Island.
January 1st 1901, the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed.
January 1st 1908, Ball was dropped in New York City's Times Square to signify the start of the New Year at midnight.
January 1st 1912, The Republic of China ( Taiwan ) was created, following the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 Chinese Revolution.
January 1st 1915, In the early morning of New Year's Day a British ship named Formidable was hit by a German submarine known as U-42. The Formidable sunk into the waters of the English Channel, and 547 lives were lost.
January 1st 1919, Henry Ford stood down as president of the Ford Motor Company and his son Edsel.Ford took over running the Ford Motor Company . That same day, the company announced that it would increase its minimum wage to $6.00 per day.
January 1st 1935, The First Orange Bowl Game was played and Bucknell University shut out University of Miami (score 26-0). Three of the four touchdowns were scored by a running back, and the fourth touchdown was scored as a result of a forward pass play. This game took place in Pennsylvania and a total of 12,000 fans witnessed it.
January 1st 1937, In Great Britain, manufacturers were required to make safe glass mandatory. The new safety glass that was created was similar to the kinds that are used today in the creation of windows for automobiles.
If the glass cracks, it would shatter into thousands of little pieces versus the larger pieces which would cause serious damage. A year before this, a glass called PVB (polyvinyl) was created, and this was the type of glass that was used in cars.
January 1st 1937, Old Age Pensions Started.Workers begin to acquire credits toward old-age pension benefits. Employers and employees became subject to a tax of one percent of wages on up to $3,000 a year.
January 1st 1942, Car Production Stops in
the U.S., Government no longer allowed the sale of civilian vehicles (i.e. cars and trucks). It was after this date that automobile manufacturers were required to make only vehicles which were to be used for war purposes.
Automobile plants during this time were dedicated to the sale of bombers, jeeps, military trucks, and other gear.
January 1st 1946, Years after the war was over Japanese Soldiers on the Island of Corregidor read about the end of the war in a local newspaper and surrendered to American Troops.
January 1st 1999, Eleven nations had made the Euro their currency during this year. This is part of the effort made by the European Union to create a united "economic giant". This was one of the most recent efforts since World War II to re-unite Europe. The Euro is only to be used in stock markets, financial transactions between banks and cash less shopping with cheques and credit cards. The Euro bank notes and coins will not be introduced for 2 or 3 years so traditional currencies will be in use throughout Europe for some time yet.
January 1st 2000, This was the day that the New Millennium took place. The big concern that arose during this time was one considering what was called the possible "Y2K Crisis". In short, it was originally believed that regional, national, or worldwide computer crisis was going to occur after the clock struck midnight in the year 2000.
People were reading books about how to prepare for this crisis, which could affect not only offices but roads, homes, amusement parks, and so on. People also prepared water, food, and other emergency items in case the Y2K Crisis would become a reality. It was originally thought that the year 2000 would be read by most computers as the year "1900".
Fortunately, the worst imagined did not happen, and there was no real threat. It was either that or the world was so scared that it would happened that it spent over and above the amount of money needed to ensure that it would not happen.
January 1st 2000, Panama Canal Handed Over To Panama. As the new millennium began, the United States had handed over the Panama Canal to Panama, ending nearly 100 years of American control over one of the world's most strategic waterways. The Panama canal is nearly 50 miles long joining the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and has been run by the US Defense Department since it opened in August 1914.
January 1st 2002, Twelve of the European Union's 15 countries have woken up with a new currency, as the Euro reached the purses of ordinary citizens across the continent.
January 1st 2005, Tsunami Death Toll increased. Saturday 2005, One week after tsunami in southern Asia, the confirmed death count is over 120,000. Indonesia approx 80,000Sri Lanka approx 28,500
India approx 8,000Others approx 4,000
Indonesia had stopped counting and was struggling to deal with the aftermath and prevent a massive outbreak of a typhoid epidemic. It is estimated 5 - 7 million have been made homeless.
January 1st 2012, Ethnic Clashes Killed 50 in Nigeria. At least fifty people died after ethnic clashes broke out in Eastern Nigeria. The clashes took place in the state of Ebonyi between the Ezza and Ezilo people over a land dispute.

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