SU CTC Threats To Arrest Campus Journalists; A Big Blow On Independent Journalism

Good day, my fellow pressmen. It's with utter disappointment that I write to brace us with the latest attack on press freedom in our dearest campus, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The students' Union, Caretaker Committee, has ordered all campus outfits to suspend their activities because we didn't register under the Union. This is despite the fact that we've initiated renewal of registration with the university's management through the Dean of Student Affairs as contained in the students' handbook (2019/2020 revised edition)

Article II of students' Clubs, Association, Societies, Unions, etc states that:

"All associations/clubs/societies shall apply to the Dean of Student Affairs for registration or renewal of registration at the beginning of each session"

Even though the provision of the handbook on the registration of associations could cause confusion between who takes responsibility for the registration of associations like ours, we choose to register with the student Affairs to be on the safer side, and to deter unnecessary political influence from the Students Union.

But it baffles us that despite being in the know that we initiated a renewal of registration through the office of the Dean, the CTC is hellbent on shadowing the Press under its influence. And that is a big slap on independent journalism.

Yesterday, Dec 10, 2021, the CTC met with our editors and threatened to arrest them if they continue with their noble activities - informing, educating and putting both students and student leaders (campus politicians) on their toes. And if this is what SU CTC termed as bad journalism because our pressmen put the Union in the spotlight, we'll keep at it.

Democracy dies in darkness. And journalism is the very light that brightens it. We'll not succumb to the antics of SU CTC to have NACJ under its control. If the current CTC is determined to revive the lost glory of the Union, it should focus on easing the littlest of challenges students face as they journey through this great citadel of learning. Again, I urge all pressmen not to bow to the intimidation. This is indeed a trying time. But together, we shall peter the storm out!!

Thank you.
Abiodun Jamiu
President, National Association of Campus Journalists, UDUS.

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