The Sacrifice for Knowledge


Abdulrasheed AbdulKareem Akere writes,

Education is said to be a process of facilitating knowledgeable ideas.

Knowledge is the only outcome of the long process of learning that starts from birth and ends in the grave.

Knowledge is also the skills, morals, values, beliefs, habits and information gained from experience.

Although, knowledge can be gained anywhere through teaching, learning, training, storytelling, discussion and direct research, but for someone to have an indepth sight of a particular course, such a person needs to devote his time, efforts and energy for the purpose of that particular knowledge. 

The devoted concepts such as time, efforts, energy and money are part of what people sacrifice for knowledge, because sacrifice is a loss or something you give up for the sake of a better cause. As a student aiming at success in any academic level, most especially in higher institution like Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, a lot of parameters are devoted to knowledge.

Firstly, students devote their time to learning, reading, making researches in order to have more knowledge because, they believe that their time in school belongs to the school curriculum, not to them. They also spend much of their time in attending lectures even at their inconvenient time, because some lecturers do say that any student that fail to attend their lectures would carry over their courses.

Secondly, for the sake of acquiring knowledge, students find it difficult to eat three times daily, not to talk of eating what they like to eat. Some students developed ulcer due to long time distance between their daily meals as a result of going from one lecture hall to another, which take them more hours to return back to their various halls of residence.

Moreso, students try to  endure every challenges such as financial challenges they face before the end of every semester, whereby they won't have foodstuff and money in their bank accounts. 

Nevertheless of the brokenness, ambitious students will still be reading with empty stomach so as to pass tests and examination. Any credit alert they receive will still be used to purchase studying materials to aid their learning and understanding, all for the sake of knowledge. 

Also, many student do stay away from social media in order to concentrate on their studies, most especially during examination periods. Sympathetically, sickly and medically unhealthy students will have no option than going to day and night classes instead of having their bed rest. As at that time, lack of proper sleeping becomes habits found in every students which may cause sickness to some of them. 

May Allah the Almighty crown our efforts with success.

Abdurasheed Abdul Kareem Akere is a 200 level student of Education and Biology, UDUS.

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