Corruption: Our Contributions as Individuals

Hamid Fatimah Omotayo writes,

Corruption is not a strange word to us all. It has become the business of almost every human being that no one is being left out of it.

As is well known to us, corruption is an act of dishonest or fraudulent activities conducted by every single person, typically involving bribery.

Most times, we blame corruption on those in governance, not knowing that we also have our contributions as individuals.

Corruption includes bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

How Individuals contribute to corruption in the society

A situation whereby a police officer takes bribes from a motorcyclist for driving recklessly. Both of them are agents of corruption.

A person using power or influence to favour his relatives or friends, especially, giving them works that are competitive to get, working admission for their wards and the likes.

A contractor is assigned for the construction that is worth billions of naira but keeps half of the money for his own personal use.

A student having sexual affairs with lecturers, just to attain a good grade, normally a student read to pass the examination but otherwise, she is satisfying lecturers sexually.

Obtaining people's land and selling it without their consent.

A payroll clerk who creates fake employees and claims their payments. He would keep the money meant for the employees since there were not employees who did work, the business assets are being diverted illegally to the payroll clerk.

Check yourself if you are not also corrup, we need to have the mindset that "CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME".

Hamid Fatimah Omotayo is a 200-Level student of Education and Biology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. She is also the financial secretary of Pen Press UDUS.

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