The Monopolist of Knowledge: A Scourge in the Wheel of Transmission of Lore Amongst Students


Jubril Ahmed writes,

A monopolist of knowledge is one who is versed in a particular subject or field but does not impart it to others, keeping it to himself. A monopoly of knowledge is a common phenomenon amongst students, especially the brilliant ones. This set of people sew up the lowdown they have on a particular course or topic by keeping it to themselves without sharing it with weaker students who have difficulties.

Majorly, the rationale behind students concealing their knowledge is to have a competitive edge over their peers, lest they share what they know with people who will displace them and consequently snatch their lead and the accolades they enjoy.

This sadistic attitude has impacted some students' academic lives adversely. Imagine a student who seeks the help of an exceptional colleague for clarification on a particular course or topic, but the latter turns him down deceitfully. If the former who is not bold enough to approach the course lecturer for clarification runs out of alternatives, there is a tendency that he will fail the course. If he happens to be a finalist, he will automatically spill at the expense of an additional year and hard-earned cash.

If such a student is desperate to pass the course, he may resort to illegal means of making good grades like examination malpractice. With the rigorous invigilation, the university is famous for, he may meet his waterloo and consequently lose his studentship status. This illustration is just one of the many harms a monopolist of knowledge does to his co-students.
The monopolist has forgotten that teaching others does not hinder one from getting good grades in school. Whatever one becomes in life has been predestined before his birth, and nothing deters destiny. Sharing knowledge improves the depth of one's mastery because teachers tend to know more.

Similarly, one of the benefits of imparting knowledge to others is that the needy may become the benefactor tomorrow. Such a benefit is golden in countries like Nigeria, where certificates do not guarantee success. These days, people secure jobs through colleagues whom they helped with academics in school. These are just a few out of countless benefits of sharing one's knowledge.

Moreover, no rule limits the number of students who can make good grades or graduate with distinction or a 2.1. If a class performs exceptionally, a chunk of the students therein will finish extraordinary degrees.

By and large, this is a clarion call to monopolists of knowledge in schools to do away with such a cantankerous and obtuse mindset. They have to share the little they know with whoever wants it, and divine providence will make them reap the benefits of being benevolent with one's knowledge. They must also be mindful that they came by their grasp because another person shared his and would not know what they do today if he went to his grave with beneficial knowledge. One cannot imagine how much joy it gives the heart when one passes knowledge to those who utilise it rightly: it is priceless! Kudos to those who sincerely share knowledge for the benefit of others!

Jubril Ahmed is a 300-Level student of the Department of Economics. You can reach him via

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