Barade One Year In Office: My Short Epistle to Danfodites

By Nurudeen Akewushola

Just like a thin of air or like a speed of light; the era of much-acclaimed Barade has clocked one year. How time flies? Many might have forgotten this due to the pandemic travail but the keepers of records would recall that it's exactly one year that the president got the certificate of return making it a year he actually took over from his predecessor — Ibrahim Shehu Kalgo.

Like every other politicians, Barade was able to seduce, romanceDanfodites with his prodigious Campaign promises: he promised to make Danfodiyo an exotic University; he diffused the air with his enthralling strategic plan to address the problem of  insecurity, accommodation challenges, lack of  social amenities amongst other student-centred projects.

With  the hope that it would be a new Dawn, students danced to his tune, they turned out in masses to vote for change and they heaped their votes for him, alas, he conquered and assumed  the post.

If my memory fails me, my diary does not, I could still remember that around this time last year I interviewed the President on his plans for the Students' Welfarism and he highlighted five(5) major areas which he wanted to address: Renovation of Students' Common Rooms, Provision of a convenience vehicle for students having lectures in Vet Classes, Reduction of house rent for students living in Villages, Provision of Solar Power on the walk way and other major places and  provision of Chairs at every relaxation areas.

I didn't know Kalgo's administration by narration, I was a living witness, despite the fact that his Administration was scorned for alleged misappropriation of Union and misplacement of priority, there were still some feasible projects that his Administration was also able to accomplish. President Barade pledged to perform better and more excellent and now his 12months have elapsed in office. The Judgement of who performed better is left to the readers to judge 

To keep it short and impactful, dear  Danfodites, another election would take place immediately we resume, let's think outside box, each of us should carry out our individual assessment on the candidates ranging from their past achievement as a student, leadership capacity, integrity competency and ability to device feasible and workable plans. What makes us a learner is our ability to think and make reasonable decisions. 

An elder cannot be in market and allows a new baby's head to  bend - the decision of the next Students' Union Leaders lies in our thumb, to present campaign promises is not convincing enough but the feasible strategy to achieve the plan is more important. Whether the outgoing president performs well or not is not the purpose of this epistle, what's pertinent is that for the sake of progress, we need more fantabulous and competent leaders to paddle the affairs of students. Barade has done his commendable part and we need another competent set of leaders to surpass him and the choice is for the Danfodites to make!

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