GST: Publicizing Of Students' Score, A Commendable Development

By: Nurudeen Akewushola

One of my "Acute Angle Column" titled "The Need For Transparency In UDUS Examination Result" called for the transparency in students' result system in UDUS noting that making the score of students known to them will enable students to be satisfied with the outcome of their overall result and at such it will prevent a situation whereby students will be loitering around lecturers office for complains.

Dancing to this restructuring tune, the division released the test results of all the students on Monday which actually shocked many students as this is the first time that the division will do such down the memory lane. Apart from the fact that it will foster the credibility of the assessment, it will also spur students to read deeply and extensively ahead of the exam as they have already known the number of marks required for them to get an "A" or whatever grade they may decide to work towards.

Another laudable effort is the technological mode in which these results were being released. Gone are those days when students result will be pasted onboard and it will be mishandled by students. Apart from the technological means in which these exams were conducted all these results were released in PDF format, it is actually a signal that our University is going digital in line with other digitally inclined Universities of its kind.

However, I still have some recommendations, this development actually portrays a high level of transparency which will be more  commendable if it is extended to the examination results as well. For some students who have scored a huge mark during the test it will be unbelievable if they later get a low grade at the end of the assessment  except if their score during the exam is also displayed to them.
In other words, the division should also device a means of publicizing students examination results to them which actually birth their overall grade.

It is also high time all the departments as well danced to this tune of transparency. Our Students Online Portal needs to be restructured, a column which will capture students' test and exam score should be implemented. This will ginger the morale of students and even give them 100% satisfaction with the outcome of their result.

Checkmating the current system, there is actually a wide gulf between a student that scores 99% and one that scores 71% though but of them may get "A". But enabling them acesss to their score will actually allow students to know their capacity.

Like I posited in the previous column, the dearth of this actually makes some students to be skeptic about the grading system in UDUS, many actually have that impression that the result they get is not actually their real input.

On the same lane, it's trivially noted that many errors may occur if what is being displayed to students' account is their grade only. Unavoidable mistakes may be committed while inserting the grades in student account. Had it been there is column to insert the score, it will make it noticeable, anytime error occurs as the score and the grade will not not tally

On a final note, the publicizing of  the students test score is a commendable development as it will tremendously enhance the credibility of UDUS' GST result system, it will also enable students to know their capacity so as to seek redress.
The University management should also ensure that the same developmental gesture is extended to other departments across the Varsity so as to improve the standard of the University.

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