Exclusive: Union Leader Suspended Over Missappropriation Of Fund

By: Nurudeen Akewushola

The National Association Of Niger State Students President, Rufai Suraju Muhammad has been suspended for siphoning  the sum of Twenty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred And Fifty Naira (#29,850) of association's fund and other illicit acts that contravene the constitution.

According to the report by the investigation committee exclusively obtained by Pen Press, the president is guilty of  siphoning the sum of Twenty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred And Fifty Naira #29850, he was also unable to remit any amount to the Union's account since the inception of his administration, also for appointing himself as the Sale Direcotor where he kept spending Union's fund without notifying the treasurer or other executives and by usurping the responsibility of other Union's officials.
However, it was gathered that the president has been reinstated by the Staff Adviser but the executives, the Legislature and Investigation Committee told PEN PRESS that they were not aware of his reinstatement.

Speaking with the Chairman Of Investigation Committee, Hammad Halimah Saadiya she explained that the committee was saddled with the responsibility of investigating the president's action after which, was suspended for being guilty and he also admitted his offence after the committee submitted their reports to the Staff Advisers.
She however noted that she's not aware of his reinstatement.

She said : "I have no information of his reinstatement what  I know is that he has been suspended for looting  Union's fund and he couldn't account for it. He doesn't have  any right to appoint himself as the officer for any office and he did,  there's no Sales Director and he appointed himself and that's why he was suspended"

She further blamed the administration for the lack of transparency and accountability

"The whole administration was not transparent and under that cover he looted some money and couldn't account for it and he admitted that he looted the money and that's why he was suspended pending the time that he will return the money" she said.

The president of the Association, Rufai Suraju Muhammad however insists that he has been reinstated by the staff Adviser on June 8th 2019 but due to the absence of other executives on campus that's why they were not aware,
"Before I was suspended and after I complied with the necessary conditions, I was reinstated"

He also explained that he has returned the missing money to the Union's account

"Everything is just about the money in the Union's account and I was told that if I return the money I will be reinstated and I have done that, I deposited the money to the Union's account" he insisted.

One of the executives who pleaded anonymity also disclosed that the the President has been reinstated because of the upcoming National Convention
"The president has been reinstated due to the upcoming NANISS National convention, Staff advisers reinstated him without our consent even the  NISSCA were not aware and president didn't even inform anyone that he has been reinstated" he said.

Niger State Students Consultant Assembly speaker, Yakub Abdulmajid however explained that the Staff Adviser said that he has been reinstated because some people have pleaded on his behalf and due to the forthcoming Niger Students Convention

"I'm aware of his reinstatement, the staff adviser told me, and the reason he gave was that because of the upcoming convention and because some people have pleaded on his behalf pending the period that the convention will hold" he clarified.

He however debunked the claims  of the President saying that the president told him that  "he would return the money after Sallah"

Confirming whether the President has returned the missing money, the Treasurer, Bashir Madina said she is not aware and she's yet to receive any call from the president confirming the remittance
"I don't know because we haven't updated our account so I don't used to receive alert anytime money is deposited and he's yet to call me"

What does the constitution say?

Article XII, sub II, paragraph A and B Of Niger State Students Association Constitution as amended in 2018 saddled the responsibility of suspension or impeachment of any executive on the Niger State Students Consultative Assembly(NSSCI) and the arm has the authority to impeach any indicted officer if found guilty.

"Any Officers of the excos found wanting in the discharge of his/her responsibility shall be suspended from office for a specific period of time to enable an enquiry to be conducted by the Nigeria State Students Consultative Assembly(NISSCA)"

"The result of the enquiry shall determine his/her reinstatement or removal from the office." Paragraph B states.

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