By: Hussein Abdulbashit

Our morning motivational message of today will centre  on something that both the poor and the rich, the old and young, weak and strong, successful and unsuccessful have in one way or the other regretted of and that's our individual  PAST
PAST is the teacher that's meant to teach you and I on how to redress and plan for our future,  though  most of us have allowed  it to imprison us, and instead of us to use its teachings to live a meaningful life we now allow it to confine our vision, mission, and aspiration.
 We now squat within the corner of regret of the mistakes of the past .

On a plane note, Oxford Dictionary defines PAST as "something that has happened before in contrast to the present".
 I haven't met anyone successful individual who doesn't have a past because there lies  beneath the feet of every shining star and smiling face their past. Our past may be bad, but there's no big deal about that because you and I are not the first person to express the horror of life.

We might have lost everything in the past, monarchs like Steven Job was once pulled out of Apple. We may be called a dullard today but we should not allow that to discourage us from putting more effort in pursuing of our dream, we shouldn't forget Albert Einstein was also called slow and mentally handicapped by his teacher. We are not at our best yesterday, we shouldn't forget Ben Carson was not the best in his class. Have you lost that your lucrative job three years ago? and you have now nurtured the belief  that you can't make it again, Felecia Hatcher and her husband lost their job to think of starting making Popsicles. We have lost that contract countless times and today we have given up all hope that we can't make it gain, we should not forget Abraham Lincoln failed in businesses and lost many political elections before emerging as the 16th United States of America President.

Today, we have allowed our past to rule us, we have not broken the chain of yesterday adversities from our life, we have instilled pessimistic feelings at the back of our mind and that has precluded us from living outside of our imagination.

Human life is like a bird that is born for joy, but when it sits in a cage and sing, it looses its essence and purpose. Same thing is your life and mine if we sit in that corner and keep on lamenting on the 'horrorful' incident of the past, that cannot solve of our problem.

Some stumbling blocks that come as obstruction to our path in life sometimes, just come in order to teach us a lesson and to make our ideas more clearer. Felecia Hatcher once said "A good paying job can stand in the path of our dream sometime" . Probably you loose that your job simply because fate has something more beneficial in store for you. You have promised yourself not to live a normal life simply because that love of your life said he's more interested, but move on your destiny is never tied to that of anyone. Those we are going to meet in life have already been predestined, but those who we are going to live with forever is for us to decide and vice versa  those we meet in life.

We keep on saying that everything that happened  in our past was an accident and this  makes us to be regretting and blaming ourselves. I'm not saying we shouldn't take responsibility for our action but it wasn't a mistake it was meant to occur a point in time of our life , we should accept it, we should go through it, we should cry if we need to but most of all we should know that it's there to make us better. Buddha once said " Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present". We should not procrastinate our happiness because it's not a commodity, you need  emancipation from the exasperation of your past that is ruining your tomorrow, break it now because we have that time time. Our past experience is an opportunity for us to redress and reshape  our future as well as to have a new thinking and to plan well. It's only when we summon the courage to forget the past we are going to believe tomorrow will be better than today.

We should remember this, we cannot break the chain of adversity, we cannot live outside the cage of failure unless we forget the past and tell ourselves  that there are better days ahead.

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