"In late 2015, when UDUS' admission list came out bearing my name, I was elated. Not because I got the course I wanted, no, not at all, I saw that coming. I was elated because I finally would leave the shadows of my parents, embark on a very long road trip and go to a place I've never been to. Such happy thoughts kept my lids apart at night, and extended my lips during the day. But since I'm not here to tell you how I strangely find danger and risks fun, I am gonna tell you how I met Emma, the man who made me realize I was not a robot❤️.

When my parents failed at trying to convince me to take UTME again, because they all of a sudden found Sokoto a strange land for a Lagosian like myself🙄, my Mum resolved at forcing some dude's number into my hands with a following instruction to call him as soon as I get to Sokoto, which I reluctantly took and got buried in a bear hug Mum and Dad engulfed me in. I was never going to grow up in their eyes.😣
The journey to Sokoto was a lovely one. Although, I did feel cramps all over, ranging from my legs to places where I can't mention 😂, the thrill of having to move past different cities and states was enough to forget the discomfort being confined to a seat for near 14 hours inspired.
Arriving Sokoto with my back beholding the scorching sun, I didn't know when I took out the number Mum gave me, and dialed it😂. The voice at the other end was a melodious baritone. You'd think he was trying to impress me.
'Hello. I'm Gloria. Mum gave me your number and said to call you once I arrive Sokoto. She told me you've discussed...'
'Yeah, Gloria. Good Morning. Your Mum mentioned you. Are you at the park now?'
'Alright. I will drive down now.'
He said and ended the call. I unintentionally began anticipatiing his arrival. Me who hated strangers and gave no concern to how I looked in first meetings, retouched my make up. I hated the fact that just 15 secs had this much effect on me.😖
Few minutes later, I got a call from him.
'I'm at the park now. Particularly in front of a bus that just arrived now. Could you maybe wave so I can spot you?'
I replied as though I hadn't seen him already. Or maybe I wanted to believe he wasn't the one, because of the reception my body and heart was giving to the sight. For the first time in 17 years of my life, I lost control over my actions. My heart throbbed like the discordant sound of my Church's drummer. I shivered as though it was ice I came forth. I didn't know whether to wave as he had suggested, or run into the bus, and ask that I be taken far away. My friends who called me a robot for not showing emotions, if only they had seen me, would've definitely laughed their lungs out. I willed my body to maintain my cool, plus his voice launched me back to reality.
'Hello. Are you there? Are you waving?'
I tried to respond but all I did was wave.
'I think I see you now. Blue gown, yeah?'
He said. And I regretted not wearing the red one that made my eyes glow.
'Yes. I see you too.'
He ended the call and walked toward me with a black back pack laced to his bag, in a blue denim jacket and matching pants. He was the definition of grace.😍
'Welcome to Sokoto, Gloria. I'm Emma. MSC student of Danfodio' he said to me, extending his arm.
I took it and introduced myself too. He took me to his car, helping out with most of the luggage.
'I stay off-campus. But very close to the University tho. So I will take you to my place, so you can shower, have something to eat and rush back to school to begin your registration. Hope you do not mind.'
I wished I did mind. For all I knew, he could be a rapist or worst a kidnapper, but I didn't. He carried in his eyes an innocence I had never seen and in his voice, sheer concern as if he knew me all his life. I just knew somehow that this was a good person and could do me no harm.🤗
'I don't. Thank you.'
                                               Read episode 3 here
'Don't thank me. Your Mum is best friends with mine. And whenever she visits, her jollof remains even after six months. So thank your Mom, since you can't obviously thank jollof'
He said, laughing and even though I didn't get the joke, I laughed too.😄
We got to his place - A 3 bedroom apartment. Simple, tidy and had a strawberry aroma. He gave me a tour of the small yet graceful apartment, and went outside.
'I will be out here if you need me'
I took out my soap dish and had a very long bath, recalling how I had felt the first time I saw him and inaudibly praying that whatever it was, would follow the dirt that rolled down to the sink. But it didn't. I was stuck with it. With my feelings for Emma.😚
I dried my body quickly, remembering I had kept him outside his own house. Dressed up almost as soon, took my file and stepped out to meet him.
'I'm sorry, I took forever. But I'm ready now'
'It's nothing. Thank God you had a long bath tho, UDUS is a jungle.'
He said, laughing once more. UDUS was indeed a jungle, but with Emma as torchbearer, it became an adventure I didn't mind reliving.🤗🤗
Emma came through in everyway you can think of. He took me to the Minimart and somehow made 'Bishop' attend to me over others. He did all the necessary payments to the bank on my behalf and all I did was sit in his car and wait. Somehow, he was able to go into the confirmation ground with me, and comforted me all through the long hours of waiting.☺️
'Just be patient, Gloria. Danfodio no be beans o'
He said to me. And I laughed. He laughed too.
I saw him reject calls and ignore text messages too. I suspected he was missing out on something, which I would later find out was a lecture. Why was he so kind to me? I wondered. If it was any other guy, I'd have doubted the motive but Emma made it difficult to. He after all smiled all through the stress, and comforted me when he needed it the most.☺️
After I got my confirmation, he drove me to binji hostel. Before my coming, he and Mum had already fixed a place for me, he explained. I saw in Emma a wingless angel, and I had one of the best nights thinking of what the coming days would mean for the both of us.😍
'Thank you very much, Emma. Good night.' I texted him
'You're welcome, Gloria. Can't wait to hear your thoughts of your first night in Sokoto. Sleep tight' he replied almost as soon.
The next Morning Emma called. I told him how different Sokoto mosquitoes whine, and how I was still confused when it became so cold near midnight, as if it wasn't the same hellish weather hours ago. He laughed and said something about the weather of Sokoto being confused on what to settle for - Heat or Harmattan.😆 Something because I was focused on his voice all through, and my sixth sense imagined his lips articulating every melodious sound.
Emma came over hours later and offered to drive me to school. I accepted gladly. While in the drive, he turned to me and looked straight into my eyes, I was so shy, I bent my head. He gave a heartwarming smile.😁
'I want to tell you something'
He said to me.
'I know it might look too forward or maybe too sudden, but I have to tell you. Can I?'
I was freaking out. I was hoping for the big question to come maybe in a month or so, 24 hours seemed not right.🤣
'You can.' I said.
'I've never felt like this in all the 22 years of my life. Everything about you resonates with me. The way you carry yourself. The way you smile and laugh. The way you walk. The way you shyly blush as you are doing now. The way we connected at first sight, and I'm sure you felt it too'
I stared blankly at his lips, unsure of what to say, do or how to react.😱
'I think I'm falling for you. And I think you are too. But I don't think it's right, if I don't tell you'
'Tell me what?'
'See Gloria, I have a girlfriend. I wish I met you before her. But I don't like her like I do you, I'm even willing to break up with her if it means getting involved with you, Glo'😱
I sat looking at him, perplexed. What was he expecting me to do? Applaud him for being willing to end things with his girlfriend for me? My whole life, I had never felt this way toward someone that isn't family, but accepting his proposal at the expense of someone else's happiness, resembled what a Disney villain would do.😞
'Please say something, Glo'
I hated myself for thinking twice. The gate of heaven was wildly open, and I was concerned with the soul at the edge of the gate.😢 Even though my earnest desire was to grab the opportunity, I looked at him, summoned the courage and lied.
'I'm sorry, I do not feel the same way about you. Stay with your girlfriend'
The drive to school became silent. As was every other time we saw.😭😭😭"
PS: The names in the story are made up - Fictional. It is to hide the identity of the real characters in the story.
Questions Of The Day (QsOTD):
1. As a guy, can you offer to leave your girlfriend in the name of finding love in another person?
2. As a lady, do you mind having someone you geniunely love end an already existing relationship because of you?
Comment your answer below.
BTW, Our Morocco 101 man of the month is: @Aliyu Shehu.
DM your digits on WhatsApp: 09098269166 to get your prize. Congrats! Your story was hilarious. It will be edited and featured on all PEN PRESS UDUS' platforms on Monday.
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