Morocco 101💘 with Emelife Uc.

Austin's Story:
"My name is Austin and I probably have a long list, crawling with mistakes made on campus, ranging from the academic mistakes of failing to rightly input your details on a test script,😨 to ones that I'm pretty embarrassed about. And the two foremost of the latter were mistakes I did in my 1st year, last session.
I was a teenager and a hopeless romantic to make it worse. My DVD collection had more romantic comedies than what is expected of the average Nigerian male teenager. So did my personal e-library. I was that guy that would scream, 'Aww! Goals!'😻 At everything related to a couple. Even when what was featured was a fight scene between lovers, I'd comfort myself with, 'To love is to give up one's self in the union, and no one ever said it was hitch-free.'🤣 Yeah, that bad. So you can only imagine how I looked forward to finding love within the walls of the University.

Oh! And I did find love. In the body of Faith, a 400l student.😊
I met Faith in the department of MELL, a department I was still a fresher to. She was with a couple of MELLSA executives who were at their stand waiting for freshers to purchase their departmental cards. I was among the freshers and was more excited because my overdramatic self got me feeling that once issued a card, it was certified that I was indeed a Danfodite.😜 So I quickly paid the registration fare - #300 and took to leave before a melodious voice that instantly registered in my head, called out to me,
'Hey! You forgot your change.'
I turned to find a light skinned girl with the perfect facial features smiling at me, with her beautifully skinned arm outstretched with my change in it. I froze.🤩 Staring at her. For two or three minutes. I stood with my mouth agape.😮 Unconscious of the waiting queue behind me or the fact that she noticed my state and suspected that I was far gone and gave a more reassuring smile. I think it was Steve, my friend who tapped my shoulder, before I woke up from the trance.
'Thank you' I said shyly, embarrassed by my inability to control my emotions.🙈
'You're welcome' she replied smiling again as though she found my actions cute. Our fingers slightly touched when I took the money from her, and the collision ignited a sensational shock around my chest region. At least, I told myself that and concluded that whatever I might have felt, she felt it too. And that was enough to make her the only thing I thought about: In the Morning when I woke up. The same Morning on the way to class. In the Afternoon, on my way back to the hostel. In the Night, during night class and in my sleep, as I dreamt. The light-skinned lady with the sonorous voice, whose slight touch resonated with me.😻 A summary of my thoughts.
I learnt of her name in our second meeting.
The department's reception has Wi-Fi for students. I was told this by a senior who was a friend. As soon as I got hold of the password, I went to the department to surf the net. While engrossed in the web, she and a pack of her friends walked in chit-chatting and laughing. I looked up and smiled sheepishly at her, waving. An action I didn't think through. She missed the gesture. It was a friend of hers who called her attention, 'Faith, look! That boy again. He is waving at you' more out of jest than concern🙄. Yet, it didn't matter what her friend thought of me. Faith was my sole bother.
'Sorry dear! I was absent-minded. Hope you're good.'
Faith said, revealing a perfectly arranged teeth like a dentist's proudest work.😚 And before I could embarrasss myself again, she waved and walked into the department. Faith called me dear. I was her dear. And my heart sank in love.🤗
For days, it went on. Everyday Faith and I exchanged greetings in the department. Even times when I had nothing to do there, I went just so as to see Faith and behold her smile when she greets me back. It became official. I was in love.😍 And classes turned nothing, compared to the 30 seconds I spent with Faith everyday at the department.🤣
'I want to tell Faith about my feelings' I said to my friend Steve after a Morning lecture at NLH. He bursted out laughing, and it took him two minutes to stop. It was insulting but I needed to hear his opinion. So I fought the urge to leave and remained patient. He stopped, looked at me, placed his right arm on my left shoulder,
'That's foolish, bro. Give up! She will never like you. At least, not the way you do' He said.
'What makes you so sure?'
'Come on, bro! It's obvious. Don't tell me you've allowed those rom-coms deceive you. You're not her class. She has a car, bet you didn't know that. Everyone literally has a crush on her. I'm even surprised I don't. Plus she's in her 400l, 400l man, and you're a jambito. A jambito who has just an adorable face going for him. There is no way in the world, she thinks of you that way.'
Steve ended his speech and I'm surprised a tear didn't escape my lids. Because I felt every other emotion close to tears. I was angry. Disappointed at my friend that he couldn't even wish me luck. Or simply end it at, 'She doesn't like me' instead of reminding me that our level difference could be a hindrance. But it wasn't enough to break me. 'Love conquers all' I consoled myself and walked away, mentally drafting my confession plan to the love of my life.
Everything for the confession was set. I was in my finest packet shirt and a blue denim pants. My hair was neatly shaved. The cologne I wore could be smelled a mile away. My lines were completely rehearsed and ready in my head. If Danfodio wasn't the setting, I could've been mistaken for a groom who didn't fancy suits😂.
I walked into the department's reception and found her in the same spot I always did, chit-chatting with her friends. So far, everything was going as planned. I said my hello, and summoned the courage to ask if I could speak to her outside. Faith was polite. And humble. And beautiful. I guess that was the problem.😑
'Sure!' She replied, stood and followed me outside. I was doing it. Faith was just behind me. The only reason I didn't pee on myself was because the denim pants I was in, belonged to Steve. Steve is a monster when it comes to his stuff.😅 She followed me till we got to 'Thanny Photography' spot and I stopped under a tree.
'Oh! We're stopping here? Thought we were going to the bus stop to board a bus that would take us to the venue of this meeting' She said sarcastically.😂 I smiled. Another reason I loved Faith. She was funny.
'I'm sorry I had to drag you all the way here. It's just that I didn't want to say what I have to say in front of your friends.'
'It's cool, actually. Don't mind me. And I get my friends part. They can't be so judgemental and did I mention crazy? Can you imagine, they suggested you called me out here to confess some romantic feelings you've got for me. Isn't that crazy?' Faith said, laughing.
'What if they were right? What if hypothetically that's what I called you out here for?' I replied, half-hoping that the words that would follow be heartwarming instead of what I feared it to be.😔
'Hahaha! That would be foolish. Don't you think? I may not know you so much, but I know you're not foolish. You're like my younger brother. Why would I want to get involved with my younger brother? Plus, you make this cute face whenever you see me. It's so adorable that you see me as a Sister too. Right?'😢
I was boiling in rage. My legs trembling. My heart beat skipped umpteen times. Her younger brother? I'm not your brother. And those times I made cute faces, it was to woo you, stupid! I wanted to scream.😤 But I calmed every nerve and willed my tongue to roll out,
'Right! You're like a sister to me'
'Cool! I could get used to do this. So what is it you wanted to tell me?'
I wanted to walk away and not turn back. I wanted to still confess and listen to whatever she had to say. I wanted the earth to open and close with me beneath.😢 But I lied instead,
'I'm having this problem with an English course: ENG 113 and I was wondering if you could give me a tutorial'
'Sure! Anytime you're ready. I gotta go now, I just remembered I have a lecture. Have a nice day, brother!' Faith said, as she ran off.
'Brother!' I repeated. I was Faith's brother now. I didn't see that coming.😖 I remained in Thanny's spot for five more minutes, quiet and stationery, trying to process what had just happened, how I went from crushing on Faith to becoming her younger brother. I was broken. Steve was right after all. She will never like me, the way I do.💔
My name is Austin and the two biggest mistakes of last session were: Crushing on a 400l student and mistaking an innocent smile for, 'I love you too.' I have learnt my lesson.😭😭
PS: The names in the story are made up - Fictional. It is to hide the identity of the real characters in the story.
Question Of The Day (QOTD): Do you think it's possible for a 100l male student to have a successful relationship with a 400l or maybe 300l female student?
Comment your answer below.
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