Jibril's Story:
"A year ago when I gained admission, my life was characterized by a very short list of expectations from my academics. Zainab had just ended things with me, and took along my happiness with the relationship.😔
She broke my heart💔 squarely and it wasn't easy to get over her. Who ends a relationship with a text? "It's over" and that was it. No calls. No explanation. No nothing and her unreachable line made matters worse.😭Until I watched this movie in which the lead chose to mend his broken heart, by breaking the hearts of others. Then I thought to myself, "Give it a try, will you?"😎
My parents were super wealthy, so they cared less, and I didn't even see admission into any higher institution coming. I may or may not have taken JAMB to simply make my parents happy. So when it came, it met me at a bad state. So instead of studying my books for the first semester, I studied girls. Specifically Danfodio girls. Their dos, don'ts, and the things they tripped over.😉
So while others went to the library to read, I followed to study what girls read. The kind of books they loved. I followed girls to their classes, to know the kind of company they craved and kept. I followed girls all the way to their hostels, to master their movements, their interests, their dislikes, their lifestyle so when I stroke, it be precise.🤗
I was that stalker hiding behind a tree making sure I wasn't seen, but still very observant of every move. I was the prickling shadow they couldn't trace its origin. The perv they've tried so hard to catch on the act, but even though hell-bent on studying, was never too slow to hide. I was that guy in class who all he did was monitor skirts and hijabs alike.😋
After my creepy and intensive study on Danfodio girls for a complete month, I realized that a large number of them have a thing for guys in their third and fourth year studying English Language or Literature in English. As funny as this may sound, but believe me it's true. If not explain why a girl took to blushing as soon as I said, "I study Literature in English" and immediately replied, "Please mind the grammar you speak o. Not all of us are studying English" afterward smiled sheepishly, coiling her body like the response of rubber to heat. You should note that I hadn't even mentioned my level yet, and she was swooned already. 😅
I also observed that to complete the picture, need be for one to have a good command of English Language and a basic knowledge of world news, books, Hollywood and dieting. Not too much knowledge tho. The basics. Just a few to keep the conversation going. And to get them salivating for more.😊
It was a very successful test-run, realized from an A+ research, and I knew what it meant - A call to action. So I launched my mission. The mission to break hearts.😈
First, I needed to magically be in my third year, since I was already a student of Literature, so I did what you may call the strangest thing ever. I changed all my course codes on handouts from 1... to 3... . For example, ENG 111 became ENG 311. And when Bishop or Favour or Steve business centre didn't help by using permanent markers to inscribe course codes themselves, I bought the same colour of permanent marker, accurately traced 1 and changed it to 3.🤫
The two remaining requirements were something I already possessed. A good command of English Language and a basic knowledge on world news, books and Hollywood, save for dieting that I had to read up on. Plus, I had the looks you could scream 'Dang!' at. 🤭😉
So the plan was simple, attend night classes, preferably at MH2 with 3 or 4 handouts displaying third year English course codes, look for a very unfamiliar yet beautiful face sitting alone, and politely ask if she minds the company, if she doesn't, it's on, if she does, apologize quickly and leave, when she calls you back, that is when the real thing begins. She is sorry then and I don't know what spells invitation better than being sorry. Launch a conversation about a world news, book, Hollywood and she is hooked already.🤓
So I rehearsed my lines like an aspiring actor going for an audition, and went for my first night class ever at MH2. I knew what I was looking for and didn't get a hard time finding it, there she was - A melanin tall beauty with the eyes of a cat and lips perfectly curved, head bent on a sprawled handout, seated not so poised, unexpectant of the stares coming her way, so I made my move. It was better to approach one who isn't aware of her own beauty.👻
I asked if she minds the company. As expected, she did mind. So I slightly bowed, apologized and took to leave. Who doesn't love a gentleman? But she called out to me:
"Hey! You can have the sit?
Game on. I gave myself a hypothetical 'High Five!'.😎
"You're sure, you don't mind?" I feigned a non-interest to frantically take the seat. And she replied, she doesn't. Then I displayed my handouts on the desk and made sure her eyes caught where "ENG 311" was written boldly, then I launched the conversation.
"I'm sorry to disturb you but I'm working on a thesis that features a comparative study between the success of the American economy and the dwindling nature of Nigeria's. As an English student, I do not know much about the economy, but what are your thoughts on either?"
She bought it and gave me a long, boring gist of her thoughts and so it doesn't look like a stunt, I jotted down points that I would never visit again.🤣Afterward, thanked her, then introduced myself. She did the same. Somehow, we exchanged digits and the rest is... you know it.😉😉
I tried it again for the second time and it worked. This time I spoke about the show, "This is Us". The third time, it worked again, so did the fourth. It was working. I was becoming a successful heart breaker and my cold heart was growing warm with each heartbreak I caused. Then I met Aisha.☺️☺️
Aisha was the beauty of PTF that attempted at putting a pause to my 'Heartbreaking' spree. It was my 5th time in 4 weeks of trying out the night class move, in which its success will determine if I will write a playbook or not😂, then I caught the sight that melted what was left of my stone-cold heart.
Aisha, unlike the first girl I tried the move on was fair, average height and had the most welcoming smile. As soon as I approached her and asked if she was okay with me sitting beside her, she turned to me, smiled and even adjusted that I may sit well.🤗
"Sure. You can sit"
I didn't know what left my body, but whatever it was, it previously held back the sensation I felt hearing her musical voice😘
"I'm Jibril" I said to her, almost forgetting my mission was to wreck not create.
"I'm Aisha" With a dashing smile that I felt the urge to pee. Concentrate! I warned.😍
To continue with the script, I placed my 1st year-turn-3rd year handouts and willed her gaze to catch it, and when I noticed it did, I smiled, was about to start up a not so honest conversation when I saw my favorite novel before her in the place of a handout - Purple Hibiscus and just like that, honesty slipped from my mouth.😮
"Eugene is a monster. He clearly deserved what he got"
Aisha looked at me and smiled.
"I know right? If he hadn't died, I would've killed him myself"
"Haha. Really? But you sure don't look like you could hurt a fly. No offense tho" I replied, smiling effortlessly.😁
"None taken. You have no idea. Looks are deceiving"
And that was it, I was in love again. One thing led to another. One book discussion to another. Till we exchanged contacts and her voice in my ear became a permanent feature of my night.
I usually don't play along once it's past a week, but with Aisha, I was making long term plans. My heart was whispering withdrawal to me, and it was only a matter of time before I followed suit😍. So I made up my mind, no more games, no more lies. I needed to tell Aisha who I really was, what my initial intentions were, apologize and ask her to be my girlfriend.💏
So the next morning after I gave it a long thought, I purchased a rose flower from the hostel Minimart. Don't look at me, I was shocked too, to find it in some dankoli's tray.🌹 Rehearsed the now sincere and geniune confession of love. Before I caught Aisha holding hands with some other guy as they both walked past me in front of the dankoli's spot, whispering to each other, Aisha smiling sheepishly and the guy nodding to whatever she was saying. I didn't know when I lost grip of the flower. I was broken. Again.😫".
PS: The names in the story are made up - Fictional. It is to hide the identity of the real characters in the story.
Question Of The Day (QOTD): As a girl, would you fall for Jibril's kinda tricks? Does Jibril deserve what he finally got?
Comment your answer below.
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