By Akewushola Nurudeen

Coupled with the long list of cases and voluminous books associated with the study of law, the challenges of atmospheric condition and lengthy lectures have made it a bear for students to graduate  with first class honours   in the Faculty Of Law, in  Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.

However, Kareemat Ijaiya who is a 2016/17 second  class upper graduate of Law in the school has bagged the first class grade in the   school of law located at Lagos which appeared to be tougher than the first degree.

In this exclusive interview, Kareemat Ijaiya who hails from Offa, Kwara State disclosed how she was able  to clinch such a tremendous feat.

She explained that well cramming skill and strategic formation of mnemonic which she has been doing since her days in Danfodiyo boosted her chance to attain first class:

"There are some aspects in law which you need to give them back exactly the way they were given to you  if you want to get your full mark, I am a good crammer. I cram everything, so I arrange them alphabetically, form a formula with it and write it back during the exam. Though to score your full mark,  you must understand every aspect of the law as it has been taught. Cramming is just an extra" she said.

She attributed the reason why students are yet to graduate with first class in UDUS to the complexity of the course, lengthy lectures and the environmental conditions, not because lecturers deliberately fail  students.
"I don't think it is true  that lecturers fail students. This is because law as a course in the university is a very wide course and could be seen from different perspective and dimension,  this perspective, although some people believe in them that they are wrong generally or wrong for our democratic and historical setting in Nigeria. I think we  students are yet to perform excellently enough to clinch the feat" she insisted .

Speaking on the difference between Danfodiyo and Law School, she explained that in terms of academic feat, Law school was tougher than Danfodiyo but the environmental conditions and challenge of long lecture time inhibited the success of students, and that has prepared her ahead for the law school. She said:

"Danfodiyo stress is more of the weather and the lengthy lecture hours, but that of law school cannot be limited to the above, it includes emotional stress,  physical stress, workload, fear of the grading system and knowing   there  is no carry over"

On how tough was it for her to achieve the feat she said that:
"My effort was that of a person who wants to pass bar part 2  and not just pass but do better than my university degree and that was the effort that was put in by almost all the Bar part 2 students.
It's  I guess God just crowned mine with a  first class"

While speaking based on her reading schedule, she explained that her reading schedule was of no difference to normal serious students' schedule she said:
"I read the topic we are to be taught in class before going, and I read it immediately after we have been taught,  learn the drafts and prepare for the next day"

She finally advised the upcoming law graduates not to relent their  effort.

Kareemat Ijaiya would be called by the end of this month, November.

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