written by: Usman Mustapha, a student of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

Going on a plane path, Wikipedia dictionary define youth as the time of life when one is young and often means the time between childhood and adulthood. To avoid compromise of distinct the word youth is not as mere as an entity falls between 18-35, but rather are full of praised characteristics, imaging how strong a country would have been, if the strength of the youth are not limit by their so called politician. The more stronger the youth of a nation is the more strengthened the country become.

In a broader sense, youth as it called refers to people who have strength ,energy , vigour and enthusiasm to get things in place .It is a state of mind not a function of time age, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidly and an insatiable appetite for progressive reasoning. Nigeria demand the qualities of youth not a time of life but a state of mind a temper of the will a quality of creativity a predominance mind set over pressure of the craving of adventure over the life of ease .These qualities apt any developing country. But unfortunately, the youth of Nigeria are due architect of our misfortune because we have internalised the wrong precedence of corrupt politicians .we are doctrines bankrupt and in a state of delirium. We chose violence instead of harmony and unity, we chose the comfort of the moment above lasting liberty of country, we chose arms ahead of pen paper and hard work
We are found in a dirty games, we aid basis election. We lack character and morality and chose to be in decent happily, we forget the says; We are the leaders of tomorrow, with our soft reasoning. 

In 2012, using National Population Commission (NPOPC) projection, Nigeria was said to have a population of 167 million. Half as 50% of these were said to be youth in the age category of 15-35 years. Nigeria is said to have the largest youth population in the world within the framework of 33.652 million definition of youth. Notwithstanding Nigeria still suffer than less youth country, just because of the aimless mind of better tomorrow. Imaging how better than every country Nigeria would have been, if commitment and ambition of good supremace our larger ambition for money.

The roles of youth can not be overruled, if ready to build a virile Nigeria; with the like of creating Reformist , Nationalism, Conflict resolution, Human capital development  and participation in politics.

1. Nationalism is a political, social, and economic
system characterized by promoting the interests
of a particular nation particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance , or full
sovereignty , over the group's homeland . The
political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-
determination . Nationalism is further oriented
towards developing and maintaining a national stability. Nationalism should be the major character in youth mind in reflecting and processing a better Nigeria.

2. Conflict Resolution:
The recurring pattern of armed
conflict in Nigeria is a reflection of
conflicts concerning citizenship, ethnicity and religion. The future of the Nigerian society depends largely
on the ability of young people(youth) to cope with conflicts. I believe that one major reason why there seems to be much gap between the leadership and followership in
Nigeria has been lack of effective
communication between both ends.
The ability of youths to further
improve their dialogue and
negotiating capability is another
role that the youths can play in the
rebirth process.

3. National integration:
The youths are often called the
potential leaders of the nation,
hence their role in building a
sustainable  Nation
is essential by integrating them into
the national policies and decision
making. Youths  needs active
involvement in participating with
the current political and economic
leaders to foster inter-generational
dialogue hereby enhancing
adequate transitional shift. Perhaps it may help building  a better Nigeria

4. Human Capital Development:
This is one
of the most vital keys to bringing
economic and virile rebirth; it is the level of
applied knowledge by the youth that
helps in tackling the economic
problems facing the nation. Placing
values on education and skill
acquisition is the way out of our
present economic doldrums. The
youth needs to develop an acute
appetite for learning and knowledge
without which civillisation
crumbles. Youths should be well aware of their virtuoso and talented skills in processing a better Nigeria.

5. Creating Reformist: Youths are of course fortune of any developing country, the need to create a reformist that will go against any indiscipline act and predator leaders should be one of the major places to look onto, to bring  that Nigeria we have all been dreaming.

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