PEN History With Ayoade Zariat Yetunde: December 1st in History

December 1st is the 335th day in the year, (336th in a leap year), 30days until the end of the year.

December 1st 1942 in UK,The British Coalition Government accepted the Beveridge report which proposed a series of changes designed to provide plans for a welfare state offering care to all from the cradle to the grave.

1st December 1955, Rosa Parks set off a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama when she refused to give up her seat in the "colored" section of a bus to make room for a white passenger. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the boycott lasted for over a year and resulted in the desegregation of the buses. This is often thought of as the event that started the Civil Rights Movement nationwide.

December 1st 1901, Afghanistan was claimed by England and Russia.Both England and Russia have laid claim to parts of Afghanistan and have been in constant conflict over it. However, a new ruler in Afghanistan may bring stability to the region. Unlike his unpopular father who created hardships for his people, his son, the new leader, planned to pay the military more and to reduce taxes.

On 1st December, 1973, Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia.
December 1st 1974 in United States, TWA Flight 514 crashed into Mount Weather, Virginia while making it's landing approach to Washington Dulles International airport killing all passengers and crew.

Also on December 1st 1990, Construction workers drilled through the final wall of rock to join the two halves of the Channel Tunnel and link Britain to France.

On this day, 1991, Voters in the Ukraine voted for independence from the Soviet Union.

December 1st 997, in Iraq and U.N. Sanctions.Although Iraq wanted the complete lifting of U.N. sanctions, it finally agreed to participate in an oil- for- food proposal. This would allow Iraq to export $2 billion worth of its oil to purchase food and medicine.

December 1st 2004, in Iran and Nuclear Power Program. The majority of Iranians viewed their nuclear power program with pride, even though it is a thorn in the flesh of the Bush administration. Iran keeps maintaining that it is using nuclear power for electricity, but many countries fear that they are trying to develop a nuclear bomb.

December 1st 2006, Felipe Calderón becomes President of Mexico during a midnight ceremony in Mexico City. A conservative, he had been warned of the threat of disruption from opposition politicians to his inauguration ceremony. Members of the left-wing PRD have said that he won the election by fraud. He studied law Mexico City and did postgraduate studies in economics at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico. In 2000 he completed a master's degree in public administration at Harvard University.

Also on 1st December, 2006, in United States, The Archdiocese of Los Angeles settled sexual abuse claims.The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles agrees to pay $60 million to settle lawsuits against claims of sexual abuse by its priests. The settlement was for forty-five cases, although, there are still five hundred outstanding. One of the largest settlements since the allegations that started in 2002.

December 1st 2008, in United States, Hillary Clinton nominated asSecretary of State. Barack Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State. He had described the former first lady and opponent for the nomination as a woman of 'tremendous stature.' Also announced have been his nominations for the current Defense Secretary, Robert Gates to retain his position, retired General JamesJones as a National Security Adviser, Eric Holder as Attorney-General and Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security.

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