Examination Malpractice: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Adamu Yahuza Abdullahi writes,

The rate at which students now engage in examination malpractice is very alarming and even saddening. Despite the prior knowledge that the law frowns at this illegal act, several cases are being recorded at each academic dawn.
Examination malpractice can be conceptualized as the unethical act that students engage in before, during and after examinations.
Before the examination by; getting exam questions before examinations, scribbling down answers in paper notes to examinations.
During the examination by; accessing answers in gadgets during examinations, discussing answers with peers etc.
And after the examination; pay or meet with a lecturer or teacher to have marks increased and the likes.
Examination malpractice is one of the major menaces our society faces and one that taunts and brings our educational image down. It has not only lessened the academic image but also thrown it into the garbage. Nigeria's education image has become shattered like a fraying curtain frailing in the ruins of a stranded wind.
To begin with, one of the numerous causes of examination malpractice is laziness. Nothing good is bricked upon laziness. When one is lazy, he/she starts thinking of the easiest ways, shortcuts, quickest means to have things done, and in the case of students, this is where the idea of examination malpractice sneaks in like a seasonal breeze. It all starts with: "I cannot read that handout, it's bulky", " I don't have time for assignments", and at the end of the day they optioned for malpractice.
More so, lack of preparation for examinations. I know you will be birthing questions like, "Is this not the same as laziness?" They are different.
According to the words of Mark Twain, "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot read". A lazy student can be seen as a student who cannot read while an unprepared student is seen as he who can read but does not read. Students fail to read their notes and research for more findings against examinations. This results in examination malpractice.
Furthermore, a bad peer group. It is said that "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are". Students are positively or negatively influenced by the friends they keep.
In addition, the empiricist theory of psychology also asserts that people learn by observing the behaviour of others. The ditto supports the fact that students are subject to the influence of the peers they keep. Students with excellent academic performances tend to perform less when influenced by bad peers, and in worst cases, it leads to examination malpractice.
Moreover, bribery and corruption. This comes in, in cases of leaked question papers and upgraded scores. Bribery and corruption here mean students giving out material things or anything to an examiner, for additional and illegal favours. In cases of females, it ranges from sexual assaults to pleasing the sexual desires of examiners for favors. This is initiated by the greediness of examiners.
Ergo, examination malpractice can be curtailed by first setting up strict laws that kicked against it. Punishments ranging from suspension, expulsion or rustication and jail term punishments. This will cushion the ears of defaulters and set down by example for anyone who tries to engage in the illegal act.
It will generally decelerate the rate of the disastrous menace.
Nonetheless, religious leaders should help preach to their members about the effects and dangers of examination malpractice.
The pastors should include dangers of examination malpractice during their sermons and the Imams should do the same during their sermons too. This will help instill fear in the hearts of defaulters and those who indulge in this ungodly act. This also, will help reduce the rate of examination malpractice in our schools.
In conclusion, if students imbibe the act of hardworking, persistence and fervent studying; shun the act of laziness and follows good peer groups, and severe punishment are being enforced on both students and teachers found exhibiting the act, and also the religious leaders are carried along as they serve as avenue to exchange informations to their members, the rate at which examination malpractice occurs in our schools will surely reduce drastically.

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