On Wednesday, an academic calendar was in circulation on social media which contained the signatory of the Director, Academic Planning Unit, Prof Hassan Wara.

Prior to that occurrence, there was another fake academic calendar which has been glowing on social media , but the second which leaked on Wednesday seemed to contain some iota of truths being exactly in the same format like that of the University management and the presence of the Director's signatory gave us the assurance that the Calendar was actually from the university management.

The need to ensure that we get our information from reliable source made us to conduct our investigation so as to confirm the source of the ubiquitous Academic Calendar.

When contacted the Dean Student Affair Professor Aminu Mode, who according to the protocol remain the closest official to the students, denied that he's not aware that the 2018/2019 academic calendar has been released.

We also intensified our effort to search through the nooks and crannies of the University ranging from the notice boards at the Student Affairs Division to Registrar's Office to Vice-chancellor's office and other notable places in the university  which after our investigation we discovered that the Calendar was not pasted anywhere neither on the school notice boards nor the University official website.

The question that kept unanswered was: where's the source of the Calendar? why was it that the Calendar has not been pasted on notice boards neither on the official university website yet went viral?  How does the signature the Chairman Academic crept into the said calendar if the Calendar was fake?

We proceeded on our investigations and we were able to meet the Director himself, where he jettisoned the calendars on the social media and he noted that he's aware that some calendars were on social media, he said: "Forget about the social media, let the University do their own. Even yesterday before we considered the academic calendar, the fake one was on social media".

There's indication that the Calendar leaked while it was still under consideration by the University Senate as it gleaned from the word of the Chairman who said, " We've just given it to the Registrar and the Registrar will make the necessary corrections and announcement."

The chairman also indirectly admitted that some lecturers leaked the Calendar while still under the Senate consideration, " Maybe after the Senate considered it, some posted it to their brothers and they started posting it any how, but it has some mistakes and corrections will be made and afterward, it will be announced from the office of registrar and Co."

Based on his comment, we aired the disclaimer  of the Calendar and we described the Calendar as "baseless" and "unofficial" not being officially from the university management and the crux "under consideration" which the Calendar carried.

Surprisingly, Yesterday, February 14th 2019, the 2018/2019 amended academic calendar was released on the University official Website and the information it contained was exactly the same as that of the "debunked" calendar and after few hours another Calendar stemmed out which contained  the names of other officials namely: Deputy Vice Chancellor, Bursar, University Librarian, Director Examination with a message ordering the Director of MIS to post it on the website.

Based on our research, we discovered that, students always rely heavily on "calendar under consideration" and most of the time amended calendar is not usually posted on the University website.
Different forms of Calendar are online while some are fabricated, others are leaked. If not because of the fake one which had been bothering the mind of the students, we might not have realised that the Calendar released on that day was leaked and of course this is not the first time that unapproved calendars would be in circulation.

Even though, the content of the Calendars are the same we still charge the University Senate to ensure an absolute secrecy when academic calendar has not yet been released officially.
We also charge the University management to maintain a single format and a definite medium of airing information to the students.
   Yahaya Nurudeen Akewushola
   Editor-in-Chief, 08145806045
   Hamzat Shukurat 
    Deputy Editor-in-chief, 08094800031
    Abiodun Jamiu Sulyman
    Principal Editor, 09067420191
    Emelife Uc
    Managing Editor, 09098269166
    Rodiyat Omotoyosi 
    Editor, 08168379121

     Bashir Sulyman 
     General Secretary , 08166394447

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