It's the story of two famous lovers in the varsity of UDUS namely Sadeeq who is from an average family & Zainab who is from a wealthy family. and a jealous and envious friend (Hadiza) who fell in love with the boyfriend of her best friend and attempted to hijack him from her.

After all the orchestrated schemes and attempts by Hadizat to get the attention of Sadiq,  Sadiq refused to look at her side and she told her to stop trying. He told her that , he will never betray her friend, not with her even if he would.

When it appeared to her that Sadeeq would not dance to her love rhythm. She felt so devastated and kept on asking herself questions "am I not beautiful too? Then why would he not love me?" Then she made up her mind, since she is not happy nobody else will be. She vowed to destroy their love which is the source of their happiness.

After many unsuccessful schemes she later succeeded in bringing agony into the lives of the two lovers, by narrating a lot of  negative things against Sadeeq to the father of Zainab. Adding that he is from a poor family that he can't take care of Zainab properly after marrying her. The father who loves his daughter so much tried all he could to put an end to their relationship.

One day, he invited Sadeeq over to his house, disgraced him and warned  him to stay away from his daughter. Her Dad tried all he could to make her see Sadeeq as bad but he couldn't, so he had to use every mean to see that he separated them from each other. He decided to punish her by seizing her phone and placing her on a house arrest (he stopped her from even going to school).

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