Leadership is a burden and to lead as they said is to live dangerously. It is exciting to think of leadership as all inspiration, decisive action, and rich rewards, but leading requires taking risks that can jeopardize your career and your personal life. It requires putting yourself on the line, disrupting the status quo, and surfacing hidden conflict. When leading avoid leading with emotions and ego, instead be determine and focus and above all lead while been led, preside and don't Decide!

 Hundred years from now, it won't matter the type of clothes you wore, the type of food you ate and the class of degree you graduated with, what matter is how have you impacted on the life of people you lead and the community you lived in. As a leader you must speak with honesty, act with integrity and think with sincerity, learn to ignore and overlook many things, no matter your situation in life people will still talk about you! Minding your own business won't keep people away from you.

To be Successful as a Leader you need:-

1) God: without God you are going nowhere. Remember what happened to the Brazilian President-Elect who felt superior to God.

2) Confronters: if you don't have people that will spit your face with the truth, you are failing from starting point. I know you haven't forgotten the story of the Students' Union President who won but never rule.

3) comforters/collaborators/contributors: Alone you can do it, when the selfish 'I' is replaced by selfless 'we' Illness will become wellness; the backbone of every organization is the membership strength. When a battalion of Dogs is headed by a Lion, all the Dogs will fight Like the Lion. It is not by quality but by quantity as Hausa people say "sarkin yawa yafi sarkin qarfi"

4) COACH: your past experience is not enough and will never be, meet those that preceded you and grab old hand experience.

5) Respect your Followers: The reciprocity of respect is when a leader gives first and don't demand it from followers. If you are leading a group of ten that you want them to sweep the floor, start sweeping the floor yourself.

Habibu Bawa

Written on 28-07-2017 after installation of presidents of clubs before last session's exams, it was published on board on 31-07-2017 and also in the 2017 Edition of THE DANFODITES

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